Din ultimata guide till populära fotobås i Sydkorea

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Photo booths in Korea

Going back in time, sticker photo booths also known as the Purikura booths, became popular in Korea during the early 2000s. Purikura was originated in Japan and later introduced in Korea due to its growing popularity and unique form of entertainment. Today, this trend has evolved into many interactive and interesting photo booths in Korea. Let’s unravel what are some popular photo booths in Korea in this article!

Photo booths in Korea

All-time favorite photo booths in Korea

Life Four Cuts (인생네컷)

The OG photo booth in Korea! It is popular among the Z generation, and a go-to place for tourists as well. As the name suggests, the classic photo comes in 4 frames but you can choose to take your photo in portrait or landscape. Apart from the classic Life Four Cuts frame, they also have super cute collaborations with famous brands such as Zanmang Loopy, BT21, Pokemon, and many more. With many Life Four Cuts booths operating nationwide, you will be able to spot one easily!

Photoism (포토이즘)

Another one of the popular photo booths in Korea is Photoism! Unlike Life Four Cuts, they provide different frame layouts in three, four, or six cuts. Something unique about Photoism is they mostly do collaborations with K-pop idols. For instance, you can pick the NCT or Stray Kids theme and your favorite idols will appear in the frame. They also have different birthday collaborations with various artists, so during the artist’s birthday month, an exclusive theme will be up for selection too! Keep updated on the newest collaboration here.

Photo booths in Korea - Haru

Haru Film (하루필름)

Haru Flim offers basic themes and backgrounds in its signature 2×2 frame. Although they may not have a wide array of frames you can choose from, their uniqueness lies in providing one of the best effects or filters that will make you look stunning! Haru Film also gives off the closest vibe to the legendary Purikura sticker effects.

Photo Signature (포토시그니처)

Very similar to Photoism as it provides different frame layouts in three, four, or six cuts. Every month, they release different frame designs and so far, some theme favorites include the Kuromi, Barbie, Sanrio characters, and many more! One feature you can explore is the black-and-white pictures from Photo Signature.

The Film (더필름)

One photo booth in Korea that we would like to recommend is The Film! While it is like any other photo booth, it offers a translucent background when it is printed out. Look for The Film in Seongsu and get your beautiful translucent photos taken!

Photo booths in Korea - DON'T LXXK UP

Themed photo booths in Korea


Among the newly themed photo booths in Korea, DON’T LXXK UP became huge among Y2K for its distinctive upwards-angled photos. DON’T LXXK UP’s iconic bright red and blue rooms give off a retro Gen Z vibe and what’s more, they provide retro sunglasses for you to complete the look! They seem to have season specials so be sure to check them out here.

Movement photo booth (무브먼트 포토부스)

Like DON’T LXXK UP, Movement photo booth is also one that offers upwards-angled photos but this time, they added a downwards-angled booth too! More background variations such as pink, yellow, and purple are available. At the moment, you can find them in two locations, Hongdae and Sangsu. Try it out at the Movement photo booth.

BYTP Station

Despite only having 3 photo booths in Korea for now, it has already gathered a lot of interest among Koreans as it offers very novel themes. The whole store is designed like a subway station, but each room has unique themes! Positioning itself as a street photo platform, you will find yourself in a subway train, a vintage elevator, or a brick road. Nothing like others, BYTP Station will certainly leave you in awe!

WXCK Photo (웩포토)

Last but not least on the list of themed photo booths in Korea is WXCK Photo, a toilet photo booth, they called it! And no, it is definitely not the common toilets you may picture as the background gives off a retro and sleek vibe. Sadly, they only have one outlet located at Seongsu. If you’re in the vicinity, drop by WXCK Photo for an amazing toilet photo-taking session!

Photo booths in Korea featuring Theboyz

Studio photo booths in Korea

Fotoccino (포토치노)

Located only in Hongdae, Fotoccino is a self-studio photo booth. If there is any occasion that you wish to commemorate, Fotoccino is the place you can go to. Some examples would be graduations, anniversaries, or a proposal! They have some free props you can use or simply pay a little more to get balloons or confetti of your choice. Their signature beige background gives the photoshoot an overall smooth look but do try to turn up in matching colors like white, green or brown.

Fotoccino only accepts reservations and it is highly advisable to arrive earlier as they do keep to a strict time restriction to cater to their busy schedule. Within the time frame, you can take as many pictures as you wish but you can only choose a limited amount of pictures to print out. Good to note that the pricing differs depending on your needs and party size but the good thing is they do provide a photo editing service.

Modelro Studio (모델로 스튜디오)

Next up is the Modelro Studio which provides professional photo-taking sessions with makeup and hair styling services at an extra cost. Although they are not considered the regular photo booths in Korea, we thought it would be nice to recommend a good studio to take passport or ID photos in Korea. With its outstanding photographers and their editing skills, you can surely expect good-quality photos within 30 minutes!

You must book a slot with Modelro Studio in advance should you wish to engage in their services. Bonus for foreigners, they can communicate in conversational English or Japanese!

When you’re in town, you cannot miss out on these photo booths in Korea! If you wish to find out more about living and studying in Korea, be sure to contact us or keep updated on our Go! Go! Hanguk blog for more content.


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